
When you volunteer with the Halifax Cat Rescue Society, you join a small group of incredibly caring, active volunteers who see the difference they make every day, with every cat rescued.
We are seeking dedicated volunteers, ranging from small commitments to more involved positions. There are many helpful ways to volunteer with HCRS depending on the time you have to offer. Please take a look at the volunteer positions below and email us if one seems like a good fit for you.

Baking Volunteers Needed
Add your email to our outgoing requests for bakers when our bake sales are coming up. We welcome your creative and tasty treats and they'll sell to help cats. Please fill out the form below.
Feral Feeding Volunteers Needed
We have many feral colonies around the Halifax Regional Municipality that require daily feedings. Can you help one day a week or more? Must have your own car. Fill out the form below to get in touch. Serious volunteers only, please.

Crafters Needed
Do you sew, knit or crochet? We sell our volunteer made cat toys at our mall fundraisers. You could make catnip mice, carrier pads or wand toys to help cats! If you craft other things that are not necessarily cat related, but want to donate them we will gladly sell them at our events to raise funds. Let us know you are interested by filling out the form below.

Other Volunteers Needed
We need people who have a car and can pick up yard sale items, donations, baked goods, prizes, etc. We also need people willing to store items for our annual yard sale.
Do you have a skill you would like to volunteer that you don't see above? Please fill out the form below.

Let Us Know You Are Interested
Please contact us if you would like to offer your time as a volunteer with the Halifax Cat Rescue Society. Please refer to which volunteer position you are interested in.
Please help us work towards more happy, healthy cats.