Re-homing Owned Cats
We understand that re-homing a cat might be necessary. We ask that you handle it responsibly and really do your homework when it comes to finding a new home for you cat(s). Also, do not underestimate the time it takes to re-home animals! We often get emails about cats that need to be re-homed within a few days of getting the message - this is VERY difficult to do quickly.
HCRS simply cannot aid with the re-homing of owned cats due to our limited foster network and our already large waiting list of rescues to handle. Re-homing is not a rescue issue - it is a responsible owner's job to ensure their pets are given a safe and stable new home if they can no longer care for their pets.
There are a few organizations that may be able to help you because they have shelter locations and much higher adoption rates than our small charity. Please contact the SPCA or Bide Awhile Shelter to see if they can help you or be put on their waiting list. You can also advertise on Facebook and Kijiji, but do your homework on who is inquiring about adoption and check them out thoroughly!
Whatever you do, abandoning your cat outside or leaving them in your vacated apartment is certain death. Cats simply cannot survive outdoors given their domesticated habits - they cannot forage for food or shelter and are very susceptable to illness, injury or death. Cats left in apartments often die before the landlords or other tenants notice they are there. Do not assume they will be rescued!