Online Store
Did you know HCRS has an online store? We do and all the proceeds go to the kitties! Updated often with great new items like gift cards, tech, cat toys, designer clothes/jewellery, and more. So check back often for your next deal.

Donate Food
We have several locations around the Halifax Regional Municipality to drop off cat food. These food donations support our feral feeding stations and adoptable cats in foster care. Click above and we will email you the locations. Our friends at The Medicine Shoppe at 133 Baker Drive in Dartmouth have a food donation bin as well.
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Subscribe to our "Mewsletter" and you will be the first to know about tickets for upcoming fundraisers, receive updates on rescued cats, and other fun news. We promise we won't bombard you with emails, no more than once a month at most.

Facebook Auction Page
Did you know we have online auctions on Facebook? Well we do! Come check our auction page to bid on your next treasure.
Pay for your Items by EMT to

"Hi there,
I just wanted to touch base with an update on Tralee, who I adopted back in 2013 when I lived in Dartmouth. She was quickly renamed Caroline and she’s now an older lady but still doing great. Since we adopted each other over 10 years ago, we’ve had many adventures. We moved to Prince Edward Island in 2015, then to Charleston, South Carolina in 2016 and then on to Athens, Georgia in 2019 where I went to vet school at the University of Georgia. She kept me company all through the many many many hours of studying during vet school. We’re now in Chicago, Illinois where I’m a small animal veterinarian and we’ve added a wife and a dog to our lives. I was doing some volunteer work with a local shelter last week and was thinking about the Halifax Cat Rescue Society and all the work you do back in Nova Scotia. I just made a little donation via EMT and wanted to provide an update and say thanks for all the work you do!
John and Caroline"
Sweet Pea
Sweet Pea is one of our forever foster cats, rescued from a colony near Prospect Road. She was scooped up by another rescuer who was TNRing the cats at the property, but one of our supporters in the area had stepped up to help. When Sweet Pea escaped from the carrier into her garage, where there was a real risk the cat could escape outdoors, HCRS became involved. We couldn't simply leave one of our valued supporters hanging out there, to figure it out on her own.
Sweet Pea was one of several semi-feral cats from the property. It seems that the elderly residents were in a bad way; the fella was in the late stages of cancer, and his wife was suffering from Alzheimer's. The property would soon be changing hands, which means that returning cats as part of a TNR program would not bode well for the cats. The old fella told us that his wife "loved kittens", suggesting that he would allow the cats to have kittens in the home to entertain his wife, and when they got older, they were simply pitched outside. Next! We could applaud his motive to keep his wife engaged in life, but not the method.
Weighing in at a whopping 6 pounds, Sweet Pea has done very well in foster care in the many years that have transpired since her capture. Recently, her foster mom noticed that she had lost weight and was struggling with diarrhea, so she was hustled into the vet clinic. Some indications of IBD were noted, which could be treated with medication, but the vet also noted that her teeth were a mess. There were two resorptive lesions on one side, and the entire crown was broken off a tooth on the either side, exposing the roots. These two very painful conditions necessitated a hasty dentistry, something that clearly wasn't in our budget. And many of you probably know how expensive dentistries are these days (*hard swallow).
Sweet Pea has been camped out at the food dish since the surgery, which tells us that things are much improved in her little life these days. Relief has thankfully been granted.
We would sure welcome any donations our supporters might offer in support of her dentistry. If you are so inclined, please etransfer to or check out other options described on our website:
We absolutely LOVE updates on our adopted kitties. Our vision is that every cat we rescue experiences this type of forever happy!